Thursday 18 November 2010

Not much news to report!

Well, we're still scheduling - ticking off the subjects one by one now. We are still waiting for final details for Education, Mathematics, Modern Languages and Theology so there are not many subjects left to do. Some subjects are very complicated to schedule because they involve people from other Colleges or Departments. And the academic staff are extremely busy with teaching as the end of the Cambridge term approaches. But we hope to have these last subjects interviews scheduled by the weekend.
For those of you who have been invited to attend interviews, if you are living a long way away and your interviews are in the first half of the morning, it's fine to ask to stay overnight in College. But please use the form on the interviewees website - you will have been sent the link. I know it's a really easy form but it helps me to have all the required information in the same format, otherwise I have to start looking things up in the database which takes a lot of time. We'll have more accommodation available after Monday 6th December when our current students will have left. However, we'll do our best to help whichever date you'll be coming to Cambridge.

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